
Stack metrics are a set of key metrics for your Silverstripe Cloud environments. These allow you or your developer to ensure that your website is running at an optimal level.

Stack metrics can be accessed in the Metrics section when viewing one of your stack’s environments. The metrics shown may vary depending on your type of stack.

Basic concepts

Each environment collects metrics for various system and software components every minute, such as disk usage, the number of inbound web requests, or the number of database queries being performed and their type.

These metrics are then shown on interactive graphs that allowing you to drill down into certain points in time.

Graphs showing metrics for an environment

You can customise the time range shown within the graphs, and plot lines onto the graphs that represent any successful deployments to your environment.

Apache metrics

These metrics show the amount of web traffic coming in and out of your stack, how the website responded to those requests, and how long it took for those requests to be processed.

Database metrics

Database metrics show how many queries your website is producing and their type. Large spikes in database queries can indicate background tasks running or areas of your website that may need performance tuning.

Server metrics

Server metrics typically include the amount of storage available in your environment and the amount of load on the server.

These metrics are designed to show points at which your environment is considered under load and could be degrading the performance of the website for your end-users.

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